Omen: The Quiznos Coyote

On April 4th, 2007, just a few days after Fool's Day, a Coyote wandered into a Quizos sandwich shop in downtown Chicago, Illinois. He walked in, as the door was propped opened because of warm weather, and went inside and lied down on a cooler storing a stack of refershing Pesi bottles.
The restaurant manager said, "It wasn't agressive at all. It was just looking around." The coyote cleared the place out and was undisturbed for nearly an hour until animal control spirited it away.
In the oral tradition of Native Americans, the coyote is a symbol of the "First People." They are a mythic race that first populated the world and lived before humans. The First People had tremendous powers.
During the mid-19th century the Chicago area was inhabited primarily by Potawatomis. In the early 1800s, major portions of Potawatomi lands were annexed by the U.S. government. Following the Treaty of Chicago in 1833, most of the Potawatomi people were forcibly removed from the tribe's lands. Many perished en route to new lands in the west, following what became known as "The Trail of Death".
How Coyote Stole Fire: Coyote was a trickster that stole fire from the mountain of the Fire Beings to help the first humans. "Feel how the sun is now warm on our backs," said one of the men. "Feel how it warms the earth and makes these stones hot to the touch. If only we could have had a small piece of the sun in our teepees during the winter." Coyote, overhearing this, felt sorry for the men and women. He also felt that there was something he could do to help them. He knew of a faraway mountain-top where the three Fire Beings lived [see THREE FALLEN WOMEN in "Dream: The Sun Turned Black" post]. These Beings kept fire to themselves, guarding it carefully for fear that man might somehow acquire it and become as strong as they.
4/10/2007, Wildlife officials are setting traps for a coyote in Monmouth County. Officials believe the animal attacked a 20-month-old boy outside a Middletown home last week. Liam Sadler was bitten on the head and neck while playing in a back yard. State wildlife authorities can't recall the last time a person was attacked in New Jersey by a coyote.
A claim by South Korean scientists to have created the first cloned wolves is being investigated by officials at the team's university.

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